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Leanbiome Review

novembro 3, 2024

What is LeanBiome?

LeanBiome is an innovative weight loss supplement that combines nine clinically proven strains of “lean bacteria” with Greenselect Phytosome, a modern, caffeine-free green tea extract created with patented Phytosome technology to enhance absorption in the body.

These high-quality ingredients work together to correct bacterial imbalances in the gut microbiome, a recently identified cause of abdominal fat and unexpected weight gain.

Developed based on advanced Ivy League research and supported by real-world results, LeanBiome is designed to promote healthy and effective weight loss. Recent studies highlight the relationship between excess body fat and a bacterial imbalance in the gut. By introducing healthy bacteria, LeanBiome helps restore balance in the digestive system, enhancing detoxification and optimizing the weight loss process.

How does LeanBiome work?

In conventional capsules, ingredients often dissolve quickly in the stomach, where gastric acid can affect the survival of beneficial bacteria before they start working. LeanBiome, however, uses DRcaps with an acid-resistant coating, designed to protect the bacteria until they reach the intestines, where they can act effectively.

These “lean” bacteria are released in the gut microbiome, allowing them to work without being affected by stomach acid. This mechanism allows the bacteria to act directly in the intestines, where they help restore balance in the microbiome, often referred to as the “swamp” by scientists, which can slow metabolism, intensify hunger, and increase fat storage.

LeanBiome stands out by combining the patented Lean Bacteria Blend with Greenselect Phytosome, promoting metabolism acceleration, fat reduction, and better control over food cravings.

Ingredientes do LeanBiome

LeanBiome is a nutritional supplement designed to support weight loss and improve gut health through a blend of natural ingredients. Understanding LeanBiome’s composition is essential for anyone considering this product, as each ingredient directly contributes to its effectiveness.

  1. Bactérias Magras:
    • Lactobacillus Gasseri: Incluída para reduzir a gordura visceral ao redor dos órgãos e auxiliar na perda de peso, reduzindo o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a circunferência da cintura.
    • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: Estudos mostram que esta bactéria ajuda a diminuir significativamente a acumulação de gordura em pessoas com sobrepeso. Em um estudo de 12 semanas, participantes perderam, em média, 4,4 kg.
    • Lactobacillus Fermentum: Demonstrou redução de 3% da gordura corporal em 43 dias, com triplo de perda de gordura comparado ao grupo controle.
  2. Greenselect Phytosome: Esse extrato de chá verde ajudou os participantes de um estudo a perder até 13,6 kg em 12 semanas, uma taxa quase três vezes maior que a do grupo que seguiu apenas uma dieta.
  3. Inulina: Uma fibra alimentar que serve de “alimento” para as bactérias magras, auxiliando na transformação do microbioma intestinal para promover a perda de peso.
  4. Sphaeranthus Indicus e Garcinia Mangostana: Estes ingredientes naturais ajudam a reduzir a gordura abdominal ao diminuir o armazenamento de gordura e estimular sua queima.
  5. Extrato de Chá Verde: O chá verde é conhecido por suas propriedades termogênicas, que aumentam o metabolismo e ajudam na queima de gordura corporal.

A fórmula do LeanBiome, composta por ingredientes naturais, oferece uma abordagem completa para o controle de peso sem causar efeitos colaterais indesejados.

LeanBiome – Summary Review

Product NameLeanBiome
Overall Rating4.9/5
Main IngredientsProbiotics, green tea extract, and various natural herbs
Primary BenefitsWeight control, improved gut health, increased energy
DosageOne capsule per day, preferably before meals
Price Range$59 per bottle (discounts available for bulk purchases)
AvailabilityOfficial website
Refund Policy180-day money-back guarantee
Customer SupportSupport via email and phone
Customer FeedbackPositive reports with effective appetite control results
Potential Side EffectsMild digestive discomfort reported by some users
Overall RecommendationHighly recommended for those seeking a holistic weight loss solution

LeanBiome receives high ratings for its potential to support weight control and improve gut health, making it a recommended choice for those looking for a natural and comprehensive approach to weight management.